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Weber 32/36 DGV Carburetors, Parts, & Accessories

The Weber 32/36 DGV is virtually the standard carburetor for FF1600, FF2000, and S2000, and is approved for use in many other racing classes. We stock a full range of tuning parts, replacement parts, and complete carburetors.

Recent Top Selling Products for this category

Accelerator Pump Diaphragm Assembly, Weber 32/36 DGV
Accelerator Pump Diaphragm Assembly, Weber 32/36 DGV

This Accelerator Pump Diaphragm fits Weber 32/36 DGV / DGAV / DGEV carburetors. If your car bogs when you hit the throttle, you may need a new pump diaphragm.

Throttle Shaft Bearing Kit, Weber 32/36 DGV Carburetor
Throttle Shaft Bearing Kit, Weber 32/36 DGV Carburetor

Eliminate friction, wear and vacuum leaks in your Weber 32/36 DGV carburetor! The double-sealed bearings in our Throttle Shaft Bearing Kit install easily with no machining necessary.

Full Power Valve Diaphragm / Plunger, Weber 32/36 DGV
Full Power Valve Diaphragm / Plunger, Weber 32/36 DGV

Rebuilding a Weber DG series and found you need to replace the full power valve diaphragm? Here it is!