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MyLaps Connect Tips and X2 Transponder RaceKey LED Decoder

MyLaps Connect Tips and X2 Transponder RaceKey LED Decoder
MyLaps X2 Transponders and the MyLaps Connect software have several advanced features to help you monitor your transponder subscription and the status of your X2 transponder. Here are a couple of quick tips to help you access those features and understand the messages.

Use MyLaps Connect to monitor your subscription without logging in!

Did you know that you don't have to log in to monitor your X2 transponder subscription? MyLaps Connect will give you a wealth of information with a simple click.

  1. Start up MyLaps Connect on your computer.
  2. Connect the RaceKey to a USB port on your computer.
  3. Mount the RaceKey to the back of your X2 transponder.
  4. Without filling in your user name or password, hold down the Shift key and click the "Log In" button.

MyLaps Connect will display the following detailed information:

  • Start Date - When the subscription started.
  • Days Valid - The overall length of the subscription period in days (365 = 1 year, 730 = 2 years, 1825 = 5 years). Note that this is not the number of days remaining in the subscription.
  • End Date - The date that your subscription will expire. Be sure to renew on or before this date to keep your warranty valid!
  • Battery - Indicates if the battery is Charging or Full.
  • License - Indicates if the license has been activated ("OK") or needs to be activated ("not OK").

Understand the LEDs

The RaceKey has three multi-color LEDs on the back. These LEDs light up or flash when power is applied to the RaceKey to indicate the status of the X2 transponder. The signals differ slightly depending on whether the RaceKey is docked in the RaceKey Mount (as on direct-power installations) or docked on the X2 transponder itself (as a rechargeable transponder).

X2 RaceKey LED Translator - Docked in RaceKey Mount
RaceKey docked in RaceKey Mount
LED LED Color Meaning
LED 1, 2 waves on each side Off (Does not light up when docked in RaceKey Mount)
LED 2, circular arrow around Green Flashing Subscription Active
Red Flashing Subscription Not Active
LED 3, checkered flag background Off (Does not light up when docked in RaceKey Mount)

If the RaceKey Mount is located on the dashboard and the RaceKey is docked in the RaceKey Mount, the signals above will be seen when you start the vehicle.

X2 RaceKey LED Translator - Docked in X2 Transponder
RaceKey docked in X2 Transponder
LED LED Color Meaning
LED 1, 2 waves on each side Green Steady Powered and connected to PC
Green Flashing Communicating with PC
Blue Flashing Powered but no PC connection
Red Flashing Upgrading X2 RaceKey
LED 2, circular arrow around Green Steady Subscription Active
Red Steady Subscription Not Active
LED 3, checkered flag background Green Steady Fully charged
Red Flashing Charging

The signals above will be seen when you plug in the RaceKey for charging or for working with your subscription.

I have a technical issue that isn't addressed here.

MyLaps North America has a support line that is available 24 hours a day: 678-816-4000 (press 2 for Motorized Sports, then press 1 for Support). They can handle issues ranging from malfuncioning transponders to subscription activation.

This article was first published on 9/15/2016.

It was most recently modified on 8/23/2018.