Brand: Longacre Racing Products
Was $61.99 - Now only $47.99 - a 22% reduction! |
If you prefer watching numbers change instead of watching a needle move, this economical digital tire pressure gauge is for you!
The 0-60 psi (0-5 bar) range covers the majority of racing tires from karts to motorcycles to cars and light trucks. The LCD display can be switched from SAE units (psi) to metric (bar) and back at any time. Increments of 0.2 psi (1/5 pound) allow precise adjustments.
The 2" diameter head is protected by a rubber cover for long life. The 14" long flex hose means no awkward bending to read the gauge. The hose has a swivel chuck installed, but a ball chuck is also included so you can fit just about any wheel rim. A push-button bleeder valve is located just below the gauge head.
Readings are accurate to within 0.8 lb. This basic version has a non-backlit display, a manual Zero function, and no hold function. Carrying case is not included.