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We use an advanced DigiCert SSL Certificate with Extended Validation

All pages on our website are encrypted using SSL/TLS and secured using an SSL/TLS Certificate issued by DigiCert.

Credit card processing by Shift4, the leader in secure payment processing

Using point-to-point encryption, tokenization and other technologies, Shift4 delivers the most trusted commerce experience. PayPal is also offered for customers who prefer that payment option.

Daily Website Scans to help keep personal information secure

Our website is tested at random times on a daily basis by TrustedSite, Google Safe Browsing, VikingCloud Trusted Commerce, and other website scanning services to help ensure against vulnerabilities that could compromise the privacy of our customers.

Customer Certified by Independent Surveys

Customer satisfaction is the most important measure of our success. Independent surveys of our customers by Google, Amazon and other organizations are used to monitor our performance on this most critical aspect of our business. We strive to earn the highest ranking every day in our dealings with every customer. If we ever fall short of your expectations, please let us know about it.