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Sales and Use Tax Information

See below for sales tax exemption information

On June 21, 2018, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in SOUTH DAKOTA v. WAYFAIR that remote sellers that meet certain economic thresholds, are required to collect and remit sales and use taxes in many states based upon the delivery address of the order.

Before this ruling, a remote seller was not required to collect sales tax unless the seller had a physical presence in the state where delivery was made. As of June 21, 2018, the physical presence requirement has been removed.

We are currently required to collect sales tax in the following states:

  • Arizona - only merchandise taxed
  • Arkansas - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • California - only merchandise taxed
  • Colorado - only merchandise taxed
  • Connecticut - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Florida - only merchandise taxed
  • Georgia - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Illinois - only merchandise taxed
  • Indiana - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Iowa - only merchandise taxed
  • Kansas - only merchandise taxed
  • Kentucky - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Louisiana - only merchandise taxed
  • Maine - only merchandise taxed
  • Maryland - only merchandise taxed
  • Massachusetts - only merchandise taxed
  • Michigan - only merchandise taxed
  • Minnesota - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Missouri - only merchandise taxed
  • Nebraska - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Nevada - only merchandise taxed
  • New Jersey - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • North Carolina - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Ohio - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Oklahoma - only merchandise taxed
  • Pennsylvania - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • South Carolina - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Tennessee - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Texas - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Utah - only merchandise taxed
  • Vermont - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Virginia - only merchandise taxed
  • Washington - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed
  • Wisconsin - both merchandise and shipping charges taxed

It's likely that more states will be added to the above list as they finalize their requirements or pass legislation needed to comply with the Supreme Court's ruling.

Sales Tax Exemptions

If your purchases are exempt from sales tax, we will need to have a signed exemption certificate for your company or institution on file before we ship your order.

You can obtain a copy of a partially completed exemption form using the following link:

Most states accept this Multi-Jurisdictional Form, but you can also submit the single-state form used by your state.

If your state isn't listed on the Multi-Jurisdictional form, just use the state specific form which can usually be downloaded from your state's Department of Revenue website.

Please note that the form must be filled out completely and SIGNED.

Note: Only the first page of the Multi-Jurisdictional form needs to be returned to us.

If you know your Pegasus Customer Number or an Order Number please write it at the top of the form so that we get the proper account set up with the exemption.

You can submit the completed form by sending an email to with a scanned copy attached, or fax it to 262-317-1201. Only the first page of the Multi-Jurisdictional form needs to be returned to us.

Please note: Our accountants have told us that many states are aggressively auditing for sales tax compliance. If your purchases are for resale, be sure to keep accurate records so that you are protected in case of an audit. Improper claims for an exemption can put both the buyer and seller at risk as described on page two of the Multi-Jurisdictional form.

Thank you for your cooperation!